Friday, 19 August 2016

“The UK is never going to be white again” - Deeyah Khan

Well, that's us told.

1 comment:

  1. She doesn't get it. It does matter if you've been imported because you are a phukkwitz. And an imported refugee supremacist phukkwitz is the one that UKabos will never understand. Another thing that UKabos will not get their heads round is that UKNGOs hate UKabos and are paid to import phoreignfukkwitnazis to shit all over the UKabos.

    OxBridge is stuffed full of alienazibastards and excludes UKabos in disguised deliberate policy. Always have done always will do.

    The only thing that the importedvibrant never understands is that one day they will be shit on. Expect UKexopoliticalNGOs to seek unaccompanied Saturnianthreetittedsupremacistplasmacloudseedlings for Cotswold resettlment in iGREENdomes soon.

    All that UKplc imports is psychonaziphukkwitz. BWAHAHAHAAAA.

    Or am I wrong?
